Mission Statement

Board of Directors

Rhea Weber - President: Rhea and Cal moved to HSCC in 1993. Rhea retired in 1992 from Baxter International Healthcare as a manager for their Information Systems for the Western United States.  She has held all positions on the Golf Managing Board as well as serving on the Board of Directors as Secretary, CFO, V. P. and currently President. Rhea continues to be co-editor of the Breeze. Rhea is committed to listening to all ideas and suggestions with an open mind and will make decisions which will be best for the entire community. 

Highland Spring Country Club’s Board of Directors is dedicated to safeguarding our planned community for seniors through effective use of our resources, protecting our investments through judicious fiscal policies and enhancing our services and amenities for the maximum enjoyment of all homeowners. 

June 2000

About Us

Patricia Aspan - Treasurer: I have been a resident of Highland Springs CC for 8 ½ years and served on the Finance Committee then appointed HSCC Treasurer in 2011. I retired from Yucaipa Valley Water District in October 2010 after 26 1/2 years of service to the community. I held the position of Administrative Manager overseeing the Accounting and Customer Service employees. I was responsible for the preparation of the monthly Financial Statements and Board of Directors' memorandum reporting the activity for the month. I interacted in the daily operations of the Water District's income and expenses and always looked out for its best interest as well as the customer's. I look forward in helping the community I now live in with some of my working experiences and controls.

Colleen Satragni - Vice President : I have been coming to HSCC since 1990 when my parents moved in from Anaheim.  I moved into HSCC from Anaheim Hills after my dad passed away to be closer to my mom.   My Career started in Retail after my two girls started school.  My one daughter has a daughter, and she has four children.  My other daughter has four children, and they have a total of three children so far.  I have been the Breeze editor for over eleven years and worked on the Roster/Directory for about seven years.  I like to cook, garden and golf.  My favorite job was working at Rockwell International Space Division in Downey, Ca. I worked on the first five flights of the Orbiter correcting engineer orders for production. 

Debra Cave - Secretary:  I have been a resident of Highland Springs CC since December 2021. Working for 2 large Health Industry corporations in management for 30 years, I will be drawing on my leadership and  business knowledge to promote Highland Springs Country Club as an established community as well as help guide the community in facing new challenges as the needs change due to growth. I believe in open communication and transparency to remain informed, and make the best decisions that will benefit the community, keeping within the parameters of the HOA guidelines. To be successful, it is important to be able to listen and ask questions.  In doing so, I  invite all residents to be involved in  the community.

Lee Fashempour - Director at Large : I have been a resident of Highland Springs Country Club for ten years. I love our small community. I have noticed over time, that our thirty year old community has aged, I feel that upgrading our amenities is necessary to keep our property values increasing. I have been heavily involved with improving and upgrading our community.  As chairman of the Clubhouse committee, I see the need to advance in making improvements and appreciate the opportunity to add my voice to these goals.